About me

Hi! I’m Jing. I got my doctoral degree from the School of Environmental Studies at China University of Geosciences, advised by Prof. Zhonghua Tang. My major is Hydraulic Engineering by training with a background in Hydrogeology, but I have just enough expertise in computer science and data science to make trouble. I study surface water-groundwater interactions and hope to branch out into the biogeochemical side of hydro(geo)logy.

My work and research

Most of my previous work has focused on using statistical tools to understand the spatial and temporal patterns of groundwater geochemistry and its controlling factors. I’ve also studied uncertainty analysis and sensitivity analysis in hydrological modeling. I study topics including numerical simulation of flow and solute transport in saturated and unsaturated porous media; uncertainty assessment of hydrologic parameters, conceptual models, and scenarios; risk analysis and decision-making under uncertainty; geostatistical methods for site characterization and contaminant remediation; and stochastic methods in groundwater hydrology. I also often focus on high performance computing using state-of-the-art algorithms and tools.

My background and history

I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Yangtze University at June 2013, and then entered into China University of Geosciences to pursue my doctoral degree. I joined The Department of Scientific Computing at Florida State University at February 2018 as a Visiting Scholar, working with Prof. Ming Ye. For just under six months after my visiting, I returned to CUG, and then joined The Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science at Florida State University at March 2019 as a Laboratory Assistant. I came back to CUG at November 2020 and got my doctoral degree at December 2021.